¡Welcome, Bienvenidos!

Take a journey with us and let's learn Spanish together.

This blog will have audio and text lessons and later, some conversational Spanish.

The goal is to create a fun and encouraging environment to enhance our learning experience.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Podcast Alley Registration

My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-d026c0f2b4de98b4d61b641f73649ea4}

Word of the day - a causa de

Palabra del dia

Word of the day

a causa de

prepositional phrase: because of

Example Sentence:

Las clases se suspenden a causa de la lluvia.

The classes are suspended because of the rain


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Thursday, November 29, 2007

Word of the day - muralla

Palabra del dia

Word of the day




Feminine noun: wall

Example Sentence:

Detrás de la muralla hay una casa muy grande.

Behind the wall is a very big house.


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Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Word of the day - amable

Palabra del dia

Word of the day


adjective: kind, nice

Example Sentence:

El policia es muy amable en ayudarnos.

The police is very kind in helping us.

Root Word:


Means love


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Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Word of the day - El arbol

Palabra del dia

Word of the day

El arbol




Masculine noun: the tree

Example Sentence:

El niño escala el arbol.

The boy climbs the tree.




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Monday, November 26, 2007

Word of the day - alrededor de

Palabra del dia

Word of the day

alrededor de

preposition: around, surrounding

Example Sentence:

Alrededor de la casa esta lleno de arboles.

Around the house is full of trees.

Other forms:

Los alrededores

Masculine noun: the surroundings


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